Assured Messaging by AAA Communications Inc. is currently the only HIPPA-compliant telephone messaging and answering service company that can confirm through secure messaging that your designated contact has read the message received by our team, on your behalf, which we then send to you or the contact(s) you designate to your account specialist.
With our exclusive Assured Messaging platform, when your designated contact reads the message our team automatically receives an acknowledgement that the message has been securely received and reviewed.
Assured messaging gives you peace of mind, saves you or your team the unecessary steps of confirming receipt or responding to us, and you get the absolute certainty that no meesage will ever be missed or get lost. With our competition there is no 100% sure way to know that with out additional, time-costing steps. With Assured Messaging, no return acknowledgements or comments need be sent.
Additionally, in the event that a message goes unread beyond a certain timeframe we can automatically escalate the call accordingly. So if your phone is lost, stolen, or broken, or even if there is a cell-company level interruption, our assured messaging platform ensures you get every message, every time. This is a critical step for high-priority service and medical companies and calls.
Remember stat or asap messages are the most important calls you receive and AAA Communication will always make sure you get them.